
Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'll Eat You Up, I Love You So

Okay-can I actually get it together to update this thing!?  It seems like every time I go to write a post, Miss Harper wakes up from her nap.  We've been having a busy and fun-filled summer over here at the House of Herbert.  Although, the heat has been stifling and I am definitely ready for fall (the best season here in the ABQ).  Sunscreen, hats, swim diapers, and swamp coolers are our best friends at the moment!  So far our summer has consisted of a little traveling, lots of playing outside, lots of waterbaby fun, lots of trips to the zoo and/or the aquarium, and lots of playing with other baby friends!  Many great memories have been made, and I really can't complain!  Here's a massive photo dump from the last several weeks:

Water = our go-to entertainment

Off to my 10 year reunion!  A weekend without baby girl and literally a whirlwind of fun for Josh and me. 

My BFFL, Alyce!  Friends for 16 years+!

Fourth of July!

Yay!!  The Secret's Out!  The Maples are expecting another bundle of beautiful BOY!!!!
So blessed to have ALL these guys in our lives!  Growing our families together--just priceless.
I have to say, this is by far the most fun stage of development for Harper thus far.  (Although, I think every parent says that about every age, no matter what age your child is at!)  Our girl really is a hoot and a half these days.  I barely have time to keep up with our blog because we are always on the go.  Besides keeping up with our busy little one, Josh is busy as ever at work and I am back to teaching about 3 classes per week and also taking 3-4 classes per week.  PHEW!!  But I feel like life is truly going amazingly right now.  We are also in the early planning stages of possibly putting our house on the is such a chore, so we're still just contemplating right now.  We would LOVE more space for the future though, so we'll see what unfolds!  We are also (only slightly) toying with the idea of moving closer to my family in the great state of TX...but again, only a small inkling right now.  I hope you are all having a fantastic summer as well!  I will try to stay on top of my leetle blog better in the coming months, I promise!

Our beautiful Sunflowers!  Our yard is actually pretty dang gorgeous, finally!  Only took 5 years ;-D
Happy Harper, Happy Summer!


  1. I especially like the pic of Harper eating bread "two-fisted" Her eyes are SO blue in that dress! And the pic of Harper and Declan in the big chair reminds me of you at that age big time!
    Keep writing. I love "reading your mind" :o)

  2. Holy moly! Look at those sunflowers and that adventurous Miss Harper grow! Ready to see you guys again soon! Declan loves his "Hopper" cracks me up every time he says it! Love you all!

  3. Yay! You're back! Glad you're having such an amazing summer! Jealous of all the summer fun baby dates you've all been having...wish I lived closer!

  4. Does my vote count?? Because a move to Texas would be like the greatest thing ever!! Love you all and can't wait to see you in September!!! xo

  5. Love the pics! She is so sweet and adorable!

    Just go look at houses, that will definitely make you want to move!
