
Sunday, August 11, 2013

What's New HarpieGirl?

Hi Blog World!!  I have slacked again...but as I lazily sat in bed drinking a delicious beer tonight after a KILLER yoga class, I thought, "why not write a blog post?!"  I figured it had probably been since around Harper's birthday in May that I last did a developmental update.  So, let's start there!

What's new with HarpieGirl?

((Look at that cute child!!))  Well, as evident in this picture, Harper finally has some adorable prominent teeth!  At this very moment in time, she has 8.  Although, she has been mega-mega-mega-teething more than ever this last month.  Textbook teething-with the runny nose, drooling, and chewing on I'm pretty sure even more toofeses are not far behind.  And more teeth is great!  It definitely helps out with her eating.

Her favorite foods right now are blueberries and tomatoes.  Those are the go-to foods for our girl when she is fighting mealtime.  She also loves lemons.  Crazy girl.  Yes, the above pic is of her fully noshing on a lemon.  Wow.  She loves them-great distraction when we go out to eat! ;-D  AND we now know that she did NOT inherit my disdain for pickles.  BLEH!!!  She ate a whole pickle spear yesterday.  I was definitely grossed out.  H loved it.  She is also fully on whole milk (side note: we weaned her off the boob at 13 months...we made it a year, go us!) and fully off of bottles!!  Huzzah!  Getting her off the paci at bedtime will be our next project.  

We are also officially on one nap a day.  This has been an amazing transition for us (especially me).  She will do one 1.5-2.5 hour nap each day around 12:30/1:00.  So, usually we play and get out of the house in the morning, come home and have lunch, nap, and then the rest of the afternoon just zips by until Josh gets home around 4:15.  As a stay at home mom, I find that the end of the day before Josh gets home can feel ENDLESS.  Sometimes it would feel like it took 3 days for that last hour to pass.  However, now that I'm getting a longer stretch of 'me-time' while Harper naps in the afternoon, it's not feeling soooo looooong.  Then, when hubby gets home, I am typically jazzed up enough to make it to the 4:30 yoga class.  And if I am makin' it to yoga, allll is good!

Right now, I feel like Harper's language is just soaring more than anything.  She is very verbal and it is amazing.  She is saying SO MANY words--and adding new ones daily.  It is the best!  And really helpful for both Josh and me.  She even knows how to ask for help when she needs/wants something.  My favorite funny 'talking' story right now is from a couple of weeks ago.  I was asking Harper what she wanted me to make for breakfast: Do you want me to make some oatmeal?  "No."  How about an egg?  "No."  Okay, well what do you want for breakfast then?  "Ice."  HA!  Sorry charlie, there is no nutritional value in ice ;-)  One of her favorite things is when I put ice in her sippy cup of water.

Her favorite playtime entertainment is still--you guessed it--WATER!!  She loves to swim, go to the spray park, play with her water table, or even take a bath.  She also likes to play kind of WILD at home.  She likes 'startle games' like hiding and peekaboo.  She likes us to chase her around the house.  She LOVES when Josh holds her upside down and tickles her. She likes to climb up and down the couch and roll around on the floor.  Such a goofball!

Harper also LOVES hanging out with her baby friends!!!  It's funny, because she is a very 'observant' child and is kind of quiet around her buddies.  So, watching them play you would never know she loved it so much!  But literally EVERY DAY she asks to see her friends.  "De-can" and "Guy-o" are her two best buds.  We get in the car to run an errand and she will ask, "De-can"?  Or "Guy-o?"  Too sweet.  And she also has huge and HILARIOUS obsession with Tom's cousin's son, Radley.  We would see Radley at our weekly pool dates.  He is a lot older than Harper (3, I think) and they literally never interact.  But, she also asks to see him everyday ("Ladley") and gets a RIDICULOUS grin on her face when we mention his name.  Oh, who can blame her, he is an adorable little guy!  Blonde, tan, and big blue eyes...something any almost 15 month old would fall for ;-D

Overall, our little family is truly doing awesome right now.  We are in a great 'life groove' and I am lovin' it.  Josh and I head out of town for a romantic get-a-way to Las Vegas on Tuesday (just the two of us!!!) and we both can hardly wait!!!  Pools, buffets, cocktails, some window-shopping, and most importantly, SLEEPING IN await us.  So, until next time!...


  1. She's gotten so big! Love hearing all of your updates! :)

  2. I can't wait to have a conversation with her in a few weeks!!

  3. OMG! She is adorable! Cant wait to see her!
