
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!

Yes, that was pretty much the theme of our trip to Las Vegas for our 5 year anniversary!!  We had a GREAT time.  So much fun, so much good food, and shockingly, lots of rest!  Most people do not really rest when they're in Vegas...we definitely rested--big time!  In bed by 11 each night, and sleeping until our hearts' desired!  It was amazing.  Here are some photos to recap our adventure to sin city :-D

Gardens at the Bellagio 
Soaking in some sun at the pool! 
After pool munchies-fro yo!
Fancy-Schmancy Dinner at Jasmine 
The Beatles LOVE--all I can say about that show is "WOW." 
The Wynn
Dinner at Olives-definitely my favorite!!
After MJ ONE!!  
He's a smooth criminal ;-D 
Moon walking in heels
Josh loves Gordon Ramsay and Master Chef!

I love this silly man. 

Happy Anniversary!!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Glad you got to get away!

  2. I'm glad you got to get away and have some fun!
    Love you both,
