
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week 29!

Happy Sunday everybody!  Cruising into week 29 today :-)  I can't believe I only have 11 more until the due date!!!  Crazy.  I will start with posting a picture of my growing BUMP.  Wowza!  That stretchy t-shirt dress barely fits me now!!  I was hoping it would last me until the end of the pregnancy...but we shall see!

Our fur-baby, Mitch!
What a wonderful weekend Josh and I had together.  We are both in serious nesting mode preparing for Harper's arrival.  I have never seen either of us dive into projects so eagerly on our usual lazy Saturday and Sunday.  I have been cleaning like a mad woman--laundry, dishes, dusting.  Josh has officially begun the first phases of our kitchen project.  We are also trying to organize Harper's closet into the most functional space possible.  We are becoming small-space experts at this point with our little casa!  I will post before and after pictures of the closet and kitchen as we complete each of them.  Also, I have been extremely artsy crafty the last few weeks--those of you that have been to our house know that I LOVE making artwork!  Here are some recent pieces I have done for Harper:

Cutie Owls above her crib!
Her name to be hung on the wall
We are now in the final stretch of pregnancy and will begin to see our midwives every two weeks.  At this point, we are hoping that everything is smooth sailing.  I am still being cautious and 'prudent' as my mom and grandma have ordered me to!  But I really feel that everything is good.  Harper is growing and developing like superbaby, and loves to kick, stretch, and squirm!  She even woke me up from a dead sleep last night with a very powerful KICK to my right side!  Josh and I are also continuing our Blissborn classes for the next few weeks.  Tara and Jon were right-they are pretty cool!  We have been doing our 'homework' (which is practicing self hypnosis) every night and are loving it.    With all of my yoga practice and Josh's natural relaxed personality, we are very good at 'letting go'.  This has been great for us especially with our hectic schedules.  It's such a nice practice to meditate and take time to relax everyday, even when you are not carrying a baby.  Just a good life skill to learn, period.  Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  I think I feel spring in the air here in Albuquerque :-)


  1. Cutest nursery theme ever! I love the little owls :) Miss you so much Janey!!!! Love you

    1. I miss and love you too!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!

  2. Absolutely LOVE what you have done so far to the nursery!! You are going to be well prepared for little Harper's arrival! Love to you both!

  3. LOVE LOVE all of your Harper arts and crafts! Cant wait to see it in person!

  4. I love... EVERYTHING!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
