
Thursday, March 29, 2012

32 Weeks!

Finishing up Week 32!  WOW!  The time continues to zoom by.  It has been hard for me to update the last few weeks because I have been SO busy.  My school time is coming to an end in the next month which means....lots and lots of homework.  No fun.  Would much rather just focus on baby :-)  We have been slacking a bit in our weekly photo department as well-but here is the impressive week 32 belly:

Sure has grown since week 30!  Women's bodies are capable of such amazing things-and pregnancy has made me see this even more than before.  My chronic body pain has actually leveled off a little, but I am starting to feel that last trimester exhaustion more and more.  Sometimes I feel like I'm back at week 8 or so with the extreme sleepiness.  But everyone warned me that it would return-so at least I was prepared!  Last weekend we also had my Albuquerque Baby Shower!  What a wonderful day filled with love--completely surrounded by amazing friends, family, and the yoga community.  It truly did warm my heart.  The heartfelt words and thoughtful gifts from everyone were all so touching.  I've said it before, but Harper is one lucky little bambina!  She is already in such good hands with all the caring and supportive people in my life.  I have no doubt she can feel the love that everyone has shown me throughout this pregnancy. 

This weekend is also sure to be fun-filled.  Tomorrow we are having the Maple's and Brunton's over for a BBQ and to check out Harper's sweet nursery, Saturday is the 'Yoga Prom,' and Sunday is our final Blissborn class.  Our class this past week, which focused on using self-hypnosis for pain control, was absolutely amazing.  My favorite class so far.  It really built a lot of confidence and made me feel just how powerful the Blissborn method is.  I am getting very very very excited for labor!  I know most women don't feel this way-but I am looking forward to it SO much.  The excitement grows as life is stirring inside.  I'm sure I will have loads of photos and stories from this weekend (if I'm able to stay awake for all the fun!), so I will do my best to post again soon!  Until next time...


  1. So looking forward to seeing you both this evening!! Harper definitely has grown and Jane you are looking more and more fabulous :) Love always!

  2. Had such a wonderful time on Friday night! You look absolutely amazing! Cherish these next few weeks, because time will go even faster and she will be here before you know it! Also enjoy lots and lots of time and dates with the hubby! Love to all!
