
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Story Time!

I wake up slow.  Those of you that have ever lived with me probably know this!  I am just not one of those people blessed with the ability to POP out of bed and get my day going.  Unfortunately, I did not get the Howell genes from my dad's side of the family.  Those crazies wake at about 4:30 am everyday.  5 am is sleeping in.  No joke.  It takes me a little more time!  So, one of my favorite wake-up rituals with Harper is morning story time.  Every morning I drink my coffee and eat breakfast in bed with my girl, and I read her a story.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Author/Illustrator Eric Carle is one of my favorites!  Just love his brilliant and unique illustrations.  Seriously inspires me to want to illustrate my own children's book.  Someday :-)

Brown Bear, Brown Bear


  1. So adorable! I wish I could join you two in morning story time. I will just have to settle for weekends ;-)! Love you two cuties!

  2. That sounds like a GREAT way to start the morning! Such a good mommy.

  3. Harper has great taste in books :) Kyle loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar also! He loves to point to the caterpillar on every page. It is wonderful that you have such great quality mommy baby time! Lots of love!!
