
Monday, February 18, 2013

Nine Months of Harper Jane!

Big girls like me only sit up now, Mommy!
You can't make ME lie down for your silly photos anymore--mwahahahaha!

NINE MONTHS!  It really is a magical age.  I am loving every minute of it.  She is just so adorable, sweet, and bright.  Our days together are so so fun.  She is developing so much--I feel like everyday she is doing something new.  Whether it's making connections with language, playing with a toy a new way, or advancing physically--everyday it's something different!  So, what IS going on these days?!

Weight/Height: We have a check-up on Thursday, so we'll know these things for certain.  But, weight, probably around 18 pounds...and height, I dunno...pretty tall!  She's wearing some 12 month stuff now in addition to her 9 month clothes.

Language: She's not much of a talker yet, but she loves to point at everything!  She jibber-jabbers in her own wonderful baby-talk.  She can say all the main consonants, and right now she loves to stick her tongue in and out while making a noise that sounds like she's saying 'giggle giggle giggle.'  The one word that I do think she is making a connection with now is 'dog.'  She will point at Mitch or Mia and say 'daw.'  She also waves her arms around when she is either excited/happy or upset because she WANTS something!  Yes, she is quite opinionated already!  We are still signing some basic signs but she hasn't quite caught on to do them herself.  But, she knows what "mamma's milk," "more," and "all done" mean.

Teeth: Still just those two cute bottom teeth!  Where are those other toofs?!  Stay away, I'm not complaining :-D

Play: Harper has loved to take things out of boxes/containers for a few months now, but recently she's interested in putting things into containers or on other toys.  She was even 'stacking' a block on top of another block the other day.  She also loves to pull several of our DVD's of the shelf and then stack/shove blocks into the loose spaces.  Pretty clever, if I do say so!  She also loves to play peek-a-boo, look outside while inside, and put toys on her head :-)  I'm telling you, nine months old is SO darn cute!

Mobility: Okay, if you saw the last video, you know she's working on walking.  She can walk while just lightly holding onto something with one hand.  And she can stand for a while without assistance.  But, she's super fast at crawling, so that's obviously her preferred mode of transportation still!

Food: We are still breastfeeding!  And she is eating lots of solids now.  She won't necessarily eat large servings, but she has tried lots of foods and likes them!  Favorites right now are yogurt, eggs, waffles, apples, pears, mangos, sweet potato fries, noodles, and little 'puff' snacks.  Yum!

Other Cute Stuff:  She will sometimes give mommy or daddy a kiss when prompted.  This consists of a wide open mouth latching onto our cheek!  Wet baby kisses are the besssst!  Our friends also note that she is getting much more hair on her little baldy blond head.


Pics from a beautiful park day with our best friends!  More photos to come!! :-D


  1. So sweet! Happy 9 month birthday Harper! Xoxo

  2. Pretty. Happy. Smart. Cute. Mobile. What more could you ask for?!!! :oD
    Gramma B
