
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Harper's First Easter!

It was a GORGEOUS day to celebrate Easter, that's for sure!  We had a great day, celebrating at the park.  Truthfully though, Harper was more interested in playing with the dirt, pine needles, and pine cones than with her Easter basket!  Haha!  She is too cute!  We really had fun with her today.

Easter Bunnies are for Sissies!  Gimme some DIRT! 

Pure LOVE and JOY!  I love this family.
We were also SUPER productive today, as I have been an absolute slave-driver about our very long spring cleaning to do list.  But it feels so good to get big projects crossed off.  Right now we are *still* working on our kitchen remodel and are also reorganizing our mess of a laundry room.  Kitchen is close to being finished and laundry room too.  HUGE improvements!  We're both very pleased!  All in all, it was a blessed, beautiful Sunday full of fun, family, love, and extreme productivity.  I love it!  Happy Easter, friends!

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