
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ten Months!!!

We are a couple days late on this, but........

Happy Ten Months, HJH!

Has it really been 10 months already!??!  In retrospect, it has gone by so fast.  Too fast.  I can already see Harper transitioning from baby to toddler.  Look at the difference!!!

Wow.  What a wild ride we are all on!  So what is Miss Harper up to at 10 months??

-Height and Weight...not exactly sure since we haven't had a well-baby appointment recently.  But probably around 20 pounds and around 28 inches long.  She's just a lil squirt!

-Not walking yet!  She has taken steps and is SO close to taking off.  Only a matter of time until she works up the courage.  But not quite ready!

-She loves animals, especially dogs!  She loves to hear dogs barking and will start mimicking them whenever we are out and about and one is yapping.  She can tell you what a dog (woof), cow (moo), chicken (buck buck), and duck (quack) say.

-She can also say dog, ball, fan (yes, she loves the ceiling fan-haha!)...probably some other words, but I can't think of them right now!  Her language skills have definitely developed this last few weeks.  Her current obsession are balls, so she says that one a LOT!  She also likes to say 'roll' (when she rolls the ball), and "whoa" or "wow".  C-u-t-e.

-She is starting to enjoy books a lot more.  Her favorites are a Baby Touch and Feel Farm Animal book and a little cardboard, Peek-a-Who book.  She loves to turn the pages when we read to her!

-She enjoys being outside and I cannot wait for some consistent nice weather!  Whenever we come in from being outside she cries.  Holding out for some warmer temperatures, and crossing my fingers for very little wind this spring...a girl can hope!

-She eats just about everything and likes to feed herself.  We even gave her salmon last week and she loved it.  She loves cheese and yogurt and her favorite baby food pouches are actually the veggie ones (I think spinach, peas, and pear is her favorite).  We also continue to breastfeed.

-She still just has her cute two bottom front teeth!

-She looks SO much like her wonderful daddy!  But people often comment on her dimple in her chin (that's from me!).

-She is *currently* sleeping a lot better than she has in the past.  We had to night wean her to make this possible.

-She recently decided that she likes to dance to music.  Absolutely adorable!

-She is bright, busy, silly, opinionated, beautiful, and sweet.  We love, love, love you, Harper!  Happy 10 months!!!!!


  1. loved loved loved the fun time! Not so much the "attack of the hives"...

  2. That zebra outfit is to die for! You sure have raised a doll of a daughter!

  3. Jane she is ABSOLUTELY adorable! I CANNOT WAIT to meet her!!!

  4. She does look so much like her daddy. That little chin dimple is a cute addition, but I do see your smile a lot too. Either way, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I wish I could visit more often.
