
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday!  Woohoo!  Kinda silly, but I've been looking forward to being 28 my whole life.  For some reason, I've always felt that 28 would be a really spectacular year!  Yesterday, Josh kicked it off RIGHT with surprising me and taking off work!  Yay!!  That was a really good surprise :-)  That alone would have been the best present ever!  I taught a yoga class (and they all sang to ME for a change-awww!!), we ate lunch together, and then hubby sent me off to get a massage!  Surprise again!!  Awesome.  We finished the day off with a delicious dinner date at Scalo.  Yum yum.  Day one of being 28 kicked ass thanks to the people I love most.  Now here are some pictures of my favorite cuties: far so good!

Today was a little bit awful thanks to my jury duty saga...more on that later.  But, in the end, things actually went in my favor mostly.  For now, I will just say that the complete LACK of family values in New Mexico (particularly in our judicial system) is boggling my mind.  I guess I should not be THAT surprised, but it is actually making me seriously consider moving back to Texas where it is not a crime to be a stay-at-home-mom who breastfeeds her child (who is less than a year old-hellloooo!).

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