
Monday, April 22, 2013

Where did 11 months go!?

Almost an entire year has passed since the birth of our daughter.  It really leaves me speechless thinking about it.  I usually still feel like a flailing new mom who doesn't know what the hell she's doing--but then I think, hold the phone, I have almost a YEAR of motherhood under my belt!  What?!  That's just crazy.  Stop the train, it's going too fast!...

Josh, Harper, and I went to breakfast yesterday morning at the Range and an adorable little girl was oogling Harper.  She was probably about 5.  I said to Josh, "you know we're going to blink and Harper will be that age."  Oh, it's so true.  It all just whooshes by so quickly.  There have been a lot of ups and downs in this eleven months of parenthood, and despite some rough patches, I have enjoyed it more than anything ever.  Even on the hardest days when I've barely slept a wink, my heart is so full of love for our daughter and our life that it could explode at any given moment.

So, what's the ELEVEN MONTH OLD up to currently?

-She weighs 20 pounds-ish.
-She still has just two toofs.
-She still looooooves dogs.  Her favorite word is still 'woof woof.'
-She still likes to practice her other animal sounds, too.
-She mimics us a LOT now.  Both with words and actions.
-She likes to 'brush' her hair with her little baby hairbrush (so cute).
-She likes to say 'uh oh!'
-She claps her hands (also so cute).
-She calls me 'mum' or 'mum-mum'(melts my heart!!).
-She likes to walk laps around our couch.
-She 'walks', but still needs to hold something with one hand (mostly for comfort rather than for balance).
-She's still crazy about bathtime and loves water in general.
-She also still loves to be outside-especially in her swing on our deck!
-We are still breastfeeding, but nearing the end of that relationship.
-She now rides in a 'big girl' carseat and seems to like that a LOT better than the infant carrier.
-She eats everything, but in little amounts!  Right now she's loving beans, blueberries, yogurt, goldfish crackers, and nutrigrain bars.
-She loves being around people and will say 'hi' to everyone when we're out, even if they're oblivious to her (too funny).

We're also in the midst of planning her first birthday shindig.  I can't believe it's already time for that!  We took some cute pics for her invitation this past weekend.  Oh man...I love them!  Here's a little sneak peak of a couple:

Clapping those hands!


  1. ohmygoodness! I can't wait to come visit again!!!!!

  2. 11 Months! Whoa!! So proud of you mum-mum. XO!
