
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good News!

After a bit of a scare at my exam yesterday, we had an ultrasound today to check on my progress.  Luckily, it looks like all is good!  Harper is just happily cooking away with no signs of her coming too soon.  Yay!  She is measuring right where she should be and weighs 2 lbs 13 oz., grow baby grow!  Also, we got some GREAT photos from the sonogram!!!  SO cool :-)

Awww!!  Look at those lips and nose!!!

Hiding!  Cute baby hands :-)

Scrunchy baby face!

Peaceful baby face :-)

Still waiting on the results back from my Glucose screen, but anticipating good news from that as well.  I hope my body knows how to process sugar!!  I love the sweets too much ;-)  Hope you enjoyed the photos of Harper in her happy home--my belly!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Well Hello, Third Trimester!

Third Trimester Happy Dance!  We've made it to the final stretch!  Woohoo :-)  Check out my sweeeeet baby HUMP!

Due date is getting closer and I could not be more excited.  I am READY for Spring, warmer weather, being finished with school, the Albuquerque baby shower, and for baby to arrive!  We still have lots of projects to do before Harper gets here--but I know we'll get everything wrapped up in time.  The biggest thing left is overhauling our kitchen...think we can do it in 12 weeks?!  HA!  Let's hope so!

Tonight we start our Blissborn birthing class at Dar a Luz.  This class was recommended to us by my friend Tara, and supposedly the method that the class teaches you is ahhhmazing for baby mama and baby daddy.  Really looking forward to this!  Also, tomorrow is my 28 week check-up and Glucose test...not so exciting, but hopefully nothing to sweat.  Anyhow, Josh and I always love going to the birth center and chatting with our midwife, Abigail. 

We've got a busy week ahead with the birth class, school, work, and all of the swimming/diving banquets we have to attend now that the season is over.  But I love a free meal, so no complaints from me!  Have a blissful week loved ones! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was the five year anniversary of Josh and my first date!!!  My oh my, time flies!  I truly can’t believe it...five years ago I was:

In my senior year of college, living with two of my best girls ((Tara and Rachel))

and had just returned from a ((cough cough)) memorable trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras 

when this handsome young gent asked me on a date.  

I was shocked.  I had known Josh since freshman year ((way back in '03)), but had never considered dating him?!  BUT after one sweet dinner date, the rest was history.  We fell madly in love and moved fast--faster than most of our friends and family would have probably approved of at the time...but it was a real, true companionship.  I knew it from date one.  We were married a year and a half later.

 And now, five years later-here we are!  Happier than ever, more comfortable than ever, and expecting our first bundle of joy.  

We are both so excited to move into this next phase of our life as parents.  There is no doubt in my mind that we will be an amazing team ((as we always have)) and still manage to have lots of laughs and happy times through the bumps that come our way ((as we always have)).  To infinity, and beyond!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Good Morning Week 27!

A week 27 belly pic!  I sure am bumping it up these days :-)

We are heading into week 27 and obviously, Harper is growing like crazy!  Squirming, dancing, and kicking all the time-it's wonderful.  Also, this is my last week in the 2nd trimester-WHOA!!!  That one went really fast!

Well, this past week was very interesting pregnancy-wise.  Actually, I wouldn't say interesting...I was just in pure agony.  My body pain had reached an all time high.  I had severe pain under my right ribcage that was radiating into my back.  No fun at all...I reluctantly called my midwife and she had me come in to check me out.  I guess pain under the right ribcage can be a sign of something serious.  She checked my blood pressure, took some labs, but luckily all was normal.  She said I most likely just had a 'rib out' that was pinching a nerve.  So I went to see my dear chiropractor friend, Lindsey.  OH my, what a difference.  Apparently I had not just one, but FOUR ribs out of place.  Aye.  No wonder I was in such pain.  Now I am feeling much better-not allll the way, but a huge improvement.  Pregnancy definitely takes its toll on the body.

In other news, Josh is officially finished with diving season!!!  YAY!  Friday and Saturday was the State meet and his divers all did awesome.  I am really proud of him, they worked really hard this season.  I'm sure he's a little sad that it's over...but the upside is: no more crazy 7am-7pm schedule.  And the way time flies, it will be diving season again before we know it.  

The rest of this weekend we are just enjoying our free time!  Cleaning, putting Harper's nursery together little by little, and apparently Josh is going to attempt to chop down a tree in our front yard that is growing too big and encroaching on our house...Oh boy...Last week he installed our new French Doors all by himself, so I have faith-Godspeed, Josh :-) 

Have a happy week, friends!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bebe Shower-Texas Style

Here are a couple of highlights from my lovely Texas Baby Shower!  Thanks to Charlotte and Alyce for putting together a wonderful party.  Harper Jane got lots of fun loot, we ate lots of good food, and I got to hang out with lots of fantastic friends.

THE CAKE.  This adorable thing was kept 'hush-hush' from me for months...I don't know how they did it!  It is so flippin' cute!
The Hostesses with the Mostesses and the Baby-Baker
My Helper, Karson!
Mom and Me :-)
Friendsss Foreverrrr.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 26!

I just got home from an incredible baby shower in Texas hosted by two of my best girls, Alyce and Charlotte.  What a weekend!  Harper is in for such a treat when she arrives-everyone has already shown her so much love!  I will post more pictures of the shower later-but I wanted to quickly post a photo from our latest ultrasound.  We really only got one good shot of her-but it's pretty cute!  She is already taking after Josh in so many of her facial features (in my opinion). 

After this last appointment, it was decided that I should no longer take or teach yoga in order to be proactive in preventing an early arrival for our baby girl.  I'm sad to go on 'baby leave' already from yoga-but Harper's best interest is our top priority.  Keep on cookin' little one-we want you to be well done!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Heading Into Week 25!

Well, here we are-week 25 in our pregnancy!!  Wow, the time has just flown by.  It was our intention to start this blog when we first found out we were having a baby-but life got busy.  Better late than never!  We’re past the halfway point now; and before we know it, it will be time for precious Harper Jane to arrive.  May is just around the corner!

So far, I have been pleasantly surprised with all things involved with carrying our baby.  Given my family history of miserable-ness during pregnancy, I feel fantastic.  I basically have constant back pain...but I gladly traded the chronic nausea of the first few months for some mild body aches.  And now, some really fun things have started happening.  MOST exciting being that I can feel Harper dancing around in my belly all the time!!  It is a feeling that is both bizarre and magical.  It took some getting used to, but now I just love feeling her baby-kicks wake me up every morning!  Her kicks are even strong enough now for Josh to feel them as well.  Which he loves-no surprise there!  Also, I finally look pregnant!!!  YAY!  I wondered if my belly was ever going to pop.  I am happy to say that it has, and I am officially out of pregnant puberty (my pregnancy awkward phase: real baby?  or food baby?)  I even got my first comment from a classmate last week exclaiming, “Oh my gosh!!  Are you pregnant?!”  Yep!

We have another ultrasound on Monday to get a real read on my family’s unfortunate history of cervical incompetence...we are hoping for good news, but preparing for anything!  On the upside, we can’t wait to get another glimpse of our baby girl in utero! 

On a closing note, we got to welcome Tara and Jonathan’s (two of our BFF’s) beautiful son into the world this last week!  A perfect little peanut!  Meeting the adorable Declan made us EVEN MORE excited to welcome our own daughter into our lives in May.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 2, 2012