
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good News!

After a bit of a scare at my exam yesterday, we had an ultrasound today to check on my progress.  Luckily, it looks like all is good!  Harper is just happily cooking away with no signs of her coming too soon.  Yay!  She is measuring right where she should be and weighs 2 lbs 13 oz., grow baby grow!  Also, we got some GREAT photos from the sonogram!!!  SO cool :-)

Awww!!  Look at those lips and nose!!!

Hiding!  Cute baby hands :-)

Scrunchy baby face!

Peaceful baby face :-)

Still waiting on the results back from my Glucose screen, but anticipating good news from that as well.  I hope my body knows how to process sugar!!  I love the sweets too much ;-)  Hope you enjoyed the photos of Harper in her happy home--my belly!


  1. Hi, Harper!! Is that a little chutchy face I see??!? Big hugs and kisses for my ABQ family!! Call me and catch me up, Janey! <3

  2. So so sweet! Great photos! So happy that the news was good, keep that baby cooking! Xoxo!

  3. So precious!!! Glad for the good report! Lots of love!
