
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Heading Into Week 25!

Well, here we are-week 25 in our pregnancy!!  Wow, the time has just flown by.  It was our intention to start this blog when we first found out we were having a baby-but life got busy.  Better late than never!  We’re past the halfway point now; and before we know it, it will be time for precious Harper Jane to arrive.  May is just around the corner!

So far, I have been pleasantly surprised with all things involved with carrying our baby.  Given my family history of miserable-ness during pregnancy, I feel fantastic.  I basically have constant back pain...but I gladly traded the chronic nausea of the first few months for some mild body aches.  And now, some really fun things have started happening.  MOST exciting being that I can feel Harper dancing around in my belly all the time!!  It is a feeling that is both bizarre and magical.  It took some getting used to, but now I just love feeling her baby-kicks wake me up every morning!  Her kicks are even strong enough now for Josh to feel them as well.  Which he loves-no surprise there!  Also, I finally look pregnant!!!  YAY!  I wondered if my belly was ever going to pop.  I am happy to say that it has, and I am officially out of pregnant puberty (my pregnancy awkward phase: real baby?  or food baby?)  I even got my first comment from a classmate last week exclaiming, “Oh my gosh!!  Are you pregnant?!”  Yep!

We have another ultrasound on Monday to get a real read on my family’s unfortunate history of cervical incompetence...we are hoping for good news, but preparing for anything!  On the upside, we can’t wait to get another glimpse of our baby girl in utero! 

On a closing note, we got to welcome Tara and Jonathan’s (two of our BFF’s) beautiful son into the world this last week!  A perfect little peanut!  Meeting the adorable Declan made us EVEN MORE excited to welcome our own daughter into our lives in May.

Until next time...


  1. I can't wait to meet Harper! You look great Jane! Glad you're feeling better. :) Miss you!

  2. I can't wait to feel Miss Harper kick next week!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! So exciting :) <3

  3. You are looking fabulous my dear friend! So glad you are feeling good and loving being pregnant. Can't wait to meet Harper!! Love ya!
