
Monday, April 23, 2012

36 Weeks!

Another big baby milestone-I am 36 weeks!  I can't believe we are embarking on my ninth month of pregnancy!  Pretty wild!  But, when I think back to this fall when we first found out we were kind of seems like a million years ago.  In that sense, it feels like I have been pregnant forever!  Here's a picture of my bump in that purple dress that just keeps mysteriously shrinking and shrinking every week ;-)

Also, another personal milestone since my last post: we celebrated MY birth day!  Very low key compared to years past.  But still wonderful.  We went to breakfast with our dear friends, and then Josh and I went on a fun date to the Melting Pot for yummy appetizers and desert for dinnertime.  All in all, 27 is starting off to be the best year yet!

Life outside of 'baby preparation land' has been pretty hectic though.  I am about to finish school THIS Thursday, and I don't know if I've ever been more excited to be DONE with school.  It's funny, although this is just a one year certificate program, it has been a ridiculous amount of work.  I definitely kicked my butt writing briefs for Torts last semester...and this past few weeks I have been working on a 35 page paper for Legal Research & Writing II that will be due at the end of this semester...35 pages!!!  That's more than I ever had to write in undergrad.  Some days I want to inform my teachers that this is a community college!  But, I will definitely be very proud once this semester is complete.  I have accomplished a lot academically these past two semesters. 

Then, before we know it, Harper will actually BE HERE!!  I can't lie, this last week has extremely uncomfortable.  From bouts of nausea, to crazy sensations ((such as so-called 'lightning crotch,' apparently)) that I shouldn't even write about in this blog!  And of course, my very sweet and concerned husband-every little pain that I have, Josh thinks I'm going into labor :-)  Hopefully, the little lady will wait a few more weeks, but we will be ready when she makes her appearance!  We even packed our delivery bag yesterday, just to be safe.  However, I keep telling her she should stay inside my belly until at least May 5th so I can read at my darling friend Devon's wedding!  In closing, we have our 36 week check-up at Dar a Luz tomorrow, and then we will begin to see our midwives every week.  Pregnancy is coming closer to the end, but a new chapter is about to begin!         


  1. We will have to go out and celebrate you being done with school! Very exciting!
    I am sorry you have been so uncomfortable! I am here if you need anything.
    I can't wait for Harper's arrival! Maybe she will arrive on May 14 and she and Kyle can have the same bday :)
    Love and Hugs!

  2. Wow Jane! little Harper will be here before we know it...let's just hope she stays in there until after May 5th! JK! Love you!

  3. I am so glad you're doing this before me so I can learn about stuff like "lightening crotch". You rock momma J! XOXO

  4. Such great photos! Only one more week! So incredible excited for you and Josh!
