
Monday, April 9, 2012

Martin High School 30th Anniversary Alumni Choir Concert

Okay-Last Post!  So, we not only went to Arlington to spend some last moments in my parents' house-but also so I could be apart of the MHS 30th Anniversary Alumni Choir Concert.  This was an awesome experience, and I was SO happy that I was able to participate even being as preggo as I am!  Saw many many faces that I haven't seen in nearly 10 years.  And faces that I see and have seen every year since I have graduated (Alyce, Kevin, Scott, Ally, Jess).  All gathered back together to celebrate the love of music and remember how we shared in that passion all those years ago.  It STILL knits us together.  It was incredible.  Singing in a choir is something that I have missed more than anything-feeling the music just resonate through your body, sounds weaving together, filling an entire room.  Difficult to put into words, but it is a moving experience.  I have specifically missed singing with the Martin Choir.  It truly is one of a kind.  Mr. J and Mrs. O really knew how to whip us into shape musically speaking, and there is something absolutely special and even magical about the MHS choral program.  I ordered the video of our performance and will most likely force all of you to watch our performance of Amazing Grace-it will just move you to your CORE.  I could not hold back that tears the first time we sang it in rehearsal-just pure and deeply beautiful!!  It was a reallllly long day of rehearsing on Saturday, but it was absolutely worth the achiness and sleepiness my poor pregnant body felt afterwards!

It was a fantastic weekend in the Lone Star state.  Our flight was delayed on the way home...BUT that was okay because Josh and I ended up sitting next to a celebrity on the way home!  A celebrity flying Southwest!?  Too cool!  It was Armie Hammer from the Social Network!!!  He even had a cute little pooch that he was traveling with named Archie, and he sat in my lap for a good portion of the plane ride.  Made it much more enjoyable than usual!  Well, I have done enough blog posting this evening.  Now it's time to get focused.  I am in the home stretch of school!  Only two more weeks-send me some concentration and focus vibes! ;-)


  1. How fun! That's awesome that you got to participate in that Janey! I for sure want to see the video of your performance. Xoxo

  2. OMG Armie Hammer is SO HOT!!!!!!

    1. I KNOW!!! And to top it off he was really nice and chatted us up the whole time. Starstruck-Josh was too, haha :-)
