
Friday, January 18, 2013

Eight Months!

Yeehaw!  I haven't posted in our blog in forever, and now you're getting a doubly whammy today!  Lucky readers ;-D  Harper Doodle is EIGHT MONTHS!

((Hardest Photo to Snap, Yet!))
Good Gosh Almighty Joe Friday, I can't believe it!  Eight is my luckiest and most favorite number, so this is bound to be an awesome month for us.  Currently, Harper is just as busy as ever crawling, pulling up, and cruising all over the place.  She's also become very verbal and finally started saying her 'm' sound a while back.  Yay!  That means she constantly says "mamamamamamama" now.  I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I love it!  She also likes to smack her lips together and 'talk' in a really high-pitched voice, almost like she's singing!  She has her bottom two front teeth, and by the way she's been teething, I know more are close behind.

As far as foods go, solids have been a challenge.  It seems that everyday she dislikes something she liked yesterday, or likes something that she detested three days before that!  I feel like I'm just experimenting each day to try and find *something* that she will eat and enjoy.  It's been very unpredictable, but I am trying!  Luckily, Harper still gets a huge amount of nutrients and everything she needs from breastfeeding.  Yep, we're 8 months strong breastfeeding and lovin' it.  Her favorite activity these days is the bath!  She loves bathtime...she loves to splash in the tub, play with her bath toys, and pull up and plop down in the water (scares me to death).

She cries when it's time for bathtime to end.  She is also very opinionated these days and will tell you exactly when she doesn't like something, or if she really does like/want something.  She waves her arms up and down in excitement--it's very funny and cute, too!  My Grandma and I got a KICK out of her going crazy with this newspaper today!  Watch her play with it, too funny!  ((Just ignore the large mess in the background, though ;-) ))

Happy 8 Months, Wild, Sweet Girl!  Every day with you is better than the last.  We love you.


  1. Enjoying my Saturday morning coffee with House of Herbert! So sweet! I have so enjoyed our outings on Tuesdays!
    Ideas for solids foods (these are some of Declan's faves)....Little pastas with marinara sauce. French toast sticks(just homemade french toast cut into sticks without the crust so she can hold it), quiche (we ignored the no eggs, no dairy blah blah blah), bananas and cinnamon on toast, sauteed spinach and garlic (one of his favorites)
    Oh and they love one day and loathe the next when it comes to food.
    Missed your blogs posts!!!

  2. Cutest bath picture yet and is that the cutest 8-month old or what!!??
    Gramma B
