
Wednesday, January 2, 2013


One thing I love about the New Year are resolutions!  I know, some people really roll their eyes at New Year's resolutions, but I absolutely love to make them.  Usually, I am pretty good about sticking with them, too.  I'm just a person that likes to set goals, work towards them, and make them happen.  Regardless of how big or small they may seem.  A couple of years ago my goal was to lose some weight, and I did and kept it off (cough cough, until I had a baby).  A couple of years before that, my goal was to waste less food.  Ever since then, I plan our menus every week (eating leftovers for lunches, using the same ingredients spread through meals through the week, etc.) and we waste a LOT less food than before.  I am open to embrace a reason to reflect on the important things, start fresh, and with an excited, positive attitude towards a new goal.  So, my 2013 resolutions:

- Take better care of my teeth.  I know, sounds weird...but really, I need to step it up a notch when it comes to flossing and getting my teeth cleaned by my dentist a couple of times a year.

- Lose the remaining 10 pounds of baby weight!  I haven't been too hard on myself about the ten pounds I gained with having Harper.  After all, I grew a human in my belly and am still her main source of nutrition at this point.  But, I think now it's time to make it a priority, and get back to the weight I was more comfortable with.

- Do something for myself everyday that makes me happy.  I have been pretty bad at this since becoming a mom.  It's really hard some days to do this  Especially being as sleep deprived as I have been.  Confession: a lot of days, the most I have been up for is surfing pinterest in my free time...But in 2013, I really want to go to yoga, go to choir rehearsal, get a pedicure, go to happy hour--just do something (preferably outside of the house) for 'just me' daily.  Being a stay at home mom takes its toll.  Sometimes the boundary feels a little blurred between you and your baby.  Maybe this goal seems selfish, but I know for me it's really important.

There you have it, folks!  My 2013 resolutions.  Are you making any resolutions this year?


  1. Great Resolutions!!! I am so sad I missed you over break! I hope you feel better soon :)

    1. I am soooo bummed I didn't get to see you either! UGH. I really can't believe Harper got sick, and now me! But, I am trying to plan with Alyce a trip to DFW sometime before May. I will keep you posted. Love you, Jenn!

  2. I told you my resolution yesterday but it's definitely to keep in better touch with my dear friends spread across the country. Also, Ross and I got rid of cable... no more TV!!! Yahoo!! Happy 2013 Janey.

    1. Awesome resolutions!!! I fully support both :-D We don't have cable either-it's great. Love you, Char!
