
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's Wednesday!

And, guess what I am NOT doing today??  Going to work!!!!!!

Wednesdays have previously been my work days, but as of last week, I have fully taken the plunge into my stay-at-home-mom role.  It was a tough decision.  My work situation was really idyllic.  But, my financial contribution v. the stress of me going was just not worth it.  For some reason, I felt a pressure to continue working (in some form or fashion).  But, since Josh is coaching diving, he has been working 12+ hour days since November, and in order for me to go to work on Wednesdays, he also had to work a half day on Saturday.  At this point, we both decided it was just not worth it anymore.  Our time together is simply more important.  I know this is a decision I will never regret.  Financial freedom may be a little more tight, but the answer is, this is just more important.  I've also been thinking deeply about a whole philosophical side of being a mom.  Could go on and on...but basically my thoughts are:

-Raising secure, happy, loved children is the only thing that matters in this world.  
-THAT is the legacy we leave behind more than anything else.  
-Motherhood is not valued enough in our culture.  Wake up, America!!!  

Okay, enough of my short rant.  Anyway, no one ever says they wish they had spent less time with their babies and family and more time at work :-)  So, to the future!  To raising secure, happy, loved children!!!


  1. You couldn't be more right!

  2. Glad you are HAPPY!!! And Harper is SUPER DUPER HAPPY TOO!!!! I wish America would WAKE UP and realize the importance of moms or dads being home with their children. Maybe we should start a movement!
    I Love You!

    1. Hi! So you don't know me from Adam but I am friends with Jon and Tara..(that's actually how I found your blog)
      I usually don't comment on any posts, especially those that are about people I don't even know, but I feel really compelled to do that now.
      I have two children (2 girls actually) and guess what I work! Would I rather not work sure....but that's a luxury I can't afford. I have bills and I have things that need two incomes to be able to afford. My children are in daycare (and have been since they were 6 weeks old).
      I find it highly offensive that well how was it put...America needs to WAKE UP (specifically... Raising secure, happy, loved children is the only thing that matters in this world.
      -THAT is the legacy we leave behind more than anything else.
      -Motherhood is not valued enough in our culture. Wake up, America!!! )
      My children are very happy, super secure and more LOVED than you will ever know!! If you have the luxury to stay at home and be with your children well that's AWESOME but don't think for one minute that you or anyone else that stays home is anymore or any better of a parent that has to WORK!!
      Mothers who work are not bad mothers! Honestly...what gives you or anyone the right to judge those that decide to work and/or have to work. For you to suggest that I don't value being a mother or understand the importance of being a mother is highly insulting!!
      Just so you know a working mother/father DOES NOT equal a bad parent. Being a mother is more important than anything in the world to me and just because I work doesn't mean I "don't value the importance of motherhood"!
      My intention in writing this to you isn't to get you upset but rather to perhaps open your eyes and see that what's best for you isn't necessarliy what's best for everyone and just because you don't work doesn't make you a better mother than me or have a better adjusted, happy and secure child(ren) than I do.
      So please stop suggesting that mothers and fathers who have to work are any less loving and supportive than those that don't!

    2. Dear Stacey,

      Well, we are all entitled to our own opinions. And I do not feel that I need to defend mine to you, a complete stranger who "you don't know from Adam." I was not attacking working moms, but rather American culture for not valuing the role of motherhood/parenthood. But to me, your very long and defensive post sounds a bit like "the lady doth protest too much," to quote Shakespeare.

  3. Good for you Janey to make a choice that is right for YOUR family!

  4. And what a beautiful happy loved baby she is (not to mention baby genius from what Josh has said)! :) She's the most loved baby I've ever met lol but maybe I'm baised since I love her more than any other baby in the world!
