
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Auld Lange Syne

First things first...Harper slept from midnight-5am last night!  HALLELUJAH!

Second thing...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  I've been working on this post for the last week and intended to post it earlier.  With a sick baby and sick me, it's taken me until today to finish!  So here ya go  :-)

So, this past week was that 'heavy feeling' week after Christmas.  The 'after Christmas' heaviness always feels hard for me!  Thank goodness there's the arrival of the New Year to look forward to just one week ahead.  It truly is perfect timing.  All of the excitement and anticipation for Christmas has passed.  Just like 'that' Christmas is gone!  Boo.  But, now it's time to look ahead to the upcoming new year with grace, excitement, and positivity.  Also, a great time to reflect on the past year-Auld Lange Syne: times gone past, especially those remembered with affection and nostalgia.

I certainly have a lot of things remembered with 'affection and nostalgia' for 2012!  Yes, this was a HUGE year for us.  I survived a beautiful, healthy pregnancy.  I loved being pregnant!  I don't think I've ever felt better about the way I looked!  I just loved toting around and showing off my big ol 'bump' ;-D Then, I survived a beautiful, natural birth.  Wowza.  I truly felt like superwoman.  Then, just like 'that', I became a mother.  The best thing I've ever done.  The hardest thing I've ever done.  Josh became a father.  The role he was meant to play, his whole entire life.  He nails it, everyday.  Even though I feel like we are still in 'survival mode' a lot of ((most of)) the time with a little one under a year old, we are doing a heck of a job for just surviving!  Even in a sleepless haze a lot of the time, we managed to have a lot of fun and make some great memories in 2012.  We braved air travel, and went on two vacations with Harper!  Harper celebrated her first Fourth of July, Gramma's Birthday, Daddy's Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!  PHEW!  She smiled, laughed, rolled over, learned to 'grasp,' started crawling, got her first couple of teeth, learned to babble, learned to pull up, and can entertain herself (to a certain degree) now.  Damn, it has been a HUGE year for her too!  And she's only been here since May!  Harper definitely accomplished A LOT in 2012!  ;-)

Overall I'd say 2012 was the biggest year of our life.  Life changing.  Very difficult and very rewarding.  However, I have to say, I am looking forward to 2013 with even more excitement.


Wishing you all a happiest 2013!

1 comment:

  1. 2012 WAS a big year! SO many transitions and milestones, not the least of which was discovering, by having Harper, that your capacity to love is truely boundless, although there are times when that love is so great you feel as though your heart might just break wide open, eh?
    And 2013, that "toddler time" !! Knowing Harper it's going to be busy, but oh SO fun!!!!! :o) I do see a truely happy new year ahead!
