
Friday, December 21, 2012

7 months

Hold up!  Can you believe it's been 7 months?!  

Indeed, Harper Jane turned 7 months on the 18th!  She is truly cuter than ever, plumping out quite nicely, and has her own distinct personality.  Already, I can see some of her traits-it really is so wonderful to watch your child emerge into a little person with their own behaviors/likes and dislikes/quirks.  I have loved witnessing it all!  It truly is amazing.

Personality:  One of her most distinct traits is her willfulness.  Well, what did I expect with a May baby?!  Their sign is 'the bull' and they are known for their stubbornness.  I'm sure this will serve her well as she grows.  Additionally, she is so physical and active.  I have no idea if this will stick with her as she matures, but, wow.  She is a rough and tumble little girl!  She moves all over, pulls up on everything, falls down, gets up, falls down gets up, cruises around.  I suspect a walking little goober will be in our no-too-distant future.  She also loves being around people.  Even in a sour mood, it's surprisingly turned around in a crowd of people.  She seems to always prefer the company of others right now.  Maybe a little extrovert like her dear daddio.

Foooood:  We are still breastfeeding!  Hooray!  It has been my goal from the beginning to make it to a year.  I think we're going to make it!  I actually adore our breastfeeding relationship now.  It is h-a-r-d at first, but I am so glad we have stuck it out during the hard times.  So worth it today.  And she barely spits up these days-hallelujah.  We are still experimenting with solids foods and have yet to find something she REALLY likes-with the exception of watermelon.  Who doesn't like watermelon!?

Teeeeth: Harper has one fully visible chomper!  One of her bottom two front teeth.  The one right next to it is beginning to emerge, but still not completely visible.  Teething has been tough for us.  Just another one of the many challenges of baby-hood, but I know that this too shall pass.

Talking:  She is just full of jibber jabber and babbling.  Funnest thing!  I love her baby talk!  So bizarre though, she does this growly/monster-like voice a lot.  Very weird and extremely funny to anyone listening.  Kinda sounds like Froggy from The Little Rascals...I've never seen another little one do this.  What is that about?!  Hilarious.

It's been a huge adventure thus far and we are just enjoying the ride!  It is so true, that quote that goes something like: babies make nights shorter, days longer, houses messier, checking account smaller--love stronger :-)  Happy 7 months!  It just keeps getting better...

1 comment:

  1. So precious! D loved watermelon and only watermelon for about six weeks...then he ate whatever we ate. Everyone can give you their opinions and input, but you are her parents and every baby is sooooo DIFFERENT! You are the perfect mommy for little Harper! I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY!!! WE NEED TO SEE HER SOON!!!! XOXOXO!
