
Sunday, December 9, 2012


Okay, not really that!  Today was actually a lot better than it has been as far as restfulness.  Saturday was horrendous, prefaced by several other horrendous days.  The sleep in the House of Herbert has been scarce.  Lots of teething going on which means many nighttime wakings.  Man oh man, the days that follow those sleepless nights are the roughest.  For all of us-mom, dad, baby, and even doggies.  I told Josh the other day that I wished I was a vampire, because vampires don't need sleep :-)  But alas, I do need it, and my sleep tank is running on fumes lately!  The best Christmas present ever would be a full night's sleep-like 8 straight hours....awww....a girl can dream right??  Hey, I guess you never know what Christmas miracle Santa might bring.

But despite the exhaustion, life carries on!  Thankfully the dark circles under my eyes were a little less prominent today, because we shot our Christmas card.  One of my favorite things to do this time of year!

Last year's card..!  Awww!  Anxiously awaiting our baby (didn't even know if it was a girl/boy yet!)

Previous years, wrangling our dogs into the 'perfect' shot was an adventure.  Imagine the adventure now with two giant dogs AND a baby!  It was fun!  And funNY!  I had to get creative.  Can't wait to send them out next week.

Outtake from our Christmas Card 2012 extravaganza!  Cutest Clause I've ever seen!


  1. Last year's card is going to be hard to beat but my bet is on Harper blowing us all out of the water!

  2. Can't wait for the Christmas card!!! I agree with Char! Hang in there mommy! In our house we love teething tablets. If that doesn't work we are now using children's motrin instead of tylenol. We use lavender and roman chamomile oil on his little feet and down his spine too! Just think someday she will have all of her teeth...
