
Monday, November 18, 2013

Thankful: Day #18

18 Months on the 18th!  That's gotta be some kind of good omen ;-D  Yes, today I am thankful for my amazing, goofy, giggly, talkative, adorable 18 month old daughter.  Just saying that gets me a little tear-eyed.  18 months...

She loves exploring, especially outside.  She loves the water.  She is brave like her daddy, and enjoys a good scare like him, too.  She is my little rabbit who loves tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots.  But, she also loves a bowl of oatmeal every morning and never passes up a piece of bacon.  She loves when we read to her.  Funny, her favorite book right now was MY favorite book as a toddler-this little book called "Fairyland."  She likes to sing and even 'knows' a couple of songs that she sings frequently.  Her current favorite is 'jingle bells' where she just sings 'jingle bells' over and over again.  She also likes to pretend to put mommy to sleep and will sing me 'rock-a-by-baby.'  My heart melts.  She loves her giant doggies, but is completely no nonsense when dealing with them.  She tells her giant mutts to 'back-up!' and 'no kisses!' when they're tooooo lovable.  She loves the zoo.  She talks about it everyday.  Her favorite animals right now are the 'clocodile' and the 'ninocerous.'  She is a family girl and is most happy when her mommy AND daddy are both at home.  And she knows where we go when we're not home.  She frequently will tell us 'mommy loga (yoga), daddy work.'  She has suddenly become much more affectionate, and likes to ask for kisses and hugs.  Every morning when she wakes up, she asks to 'nuggle' in our bed.  She amazes me everyday.  Makes me laugh everyday.  She makes me so proud, and Josh and I are two beaming parents!  Harper, I could not be more delighted to call you my daughter!  Happy 18 month birthday!  I am SO THANKFUL that you are YOU!

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