
Friday, November 16, 2012

Thankful: Day #15

Yesterday got away from me and I was not able to post!  So, better catch up now :-)  Yesterday, I felt so thankful for our healthy baby girl.  On Monday we head to Minnesota to see the awesome Ohly clan.  Josh emailed one of his cousins to see if they wanted to get together in Minneapolis because we both have new babies.  But, Josh's cousin's little one was born extremely premature in February and they are having a lot of health complications.  She is sick with lung disease, cannot leave her house, and cannot have any visitors.  This just broke my heart and I cannot even imagine what Josh's cousin and her husband must be going through.  Absolutely heartbreaking.  Sending little Olive some serious love and prayers for good health.  Sending her parents some strength, faith, hope, and acceptance.  A really hard (and I'm sure very scary) situation for all.  I am beyond grateful for the health of our sweet Harper girl.

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