
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankful: Day #17

Today, I am thankful for breakfast and Christmas shopping with my friend Christine!  Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I did not work at EAD right out of college...but then I think, no way!  If I didn't work there, I never would have met Christine!  One of my best friends in the whole world!

I was pretty bitter when I left EAD.  But, I have completely made peace with the situation now.  Truly no hard feelings, and nothing but good will towards you-know-who.  All I have are good memories of the place.  Looking back now, it really was the most fun job I've ever had.  Especially because Christine and I shared an office and we got to be totally whacky everyday...trying now to put words to some of the crazy stuff we used to do...but I can't!..If I had to categorize our antics, I'd say it was a lot of pranks against others and dancing :-)  All in all, we were just weirdos and it was SO much fun.  We really do share a unique connection, and a very goofy sense of humor.  EAD is gone; and lots have changed in both our lives since we met over five years ago.  Thankfully, our friendship holds strong, and we still remain great friends today.  Love you, Christine!!

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